Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yellow Dock-Salad or Digestive Aid?

Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus)
Also known as Curley Dock, Lengua de Vaca, Narrow or Sour Dock

Yellow Dock is one of those plants growing so abundantly throughout the world that it is usually walked past without a second thought. It is easily recognized in late summer or fall, by the rust-red leaves and seed pods on the top of the plant. It's leaves are broad with curley edges (hence the name Curley Dock).
This plant has multiple uses. The leaves are a great addition to a salad, and the seeds crushed and added to other cereals. On the medicinal side the root is often the solution to digestive complaints. It is a laxative and in higher doses treats diarrhea. It's also considered a "blood purifier" and works on the liver. Yellow Dock is often an ingredient in liver detox programs. It can be used for an outbreak of acne or other skin eruptions, which are often an internal imbalance associated with the liver and the blood. It can be applied as a topical medication to treat psoriasis and other chronic skin conditions. These properties have been known since Roman times.
This plant is a multipurpose aid, edible leaves and seeds, a topical application for skin, and  an internal liver cleanser and digestion aid. The root, the leaves and the seed are all available to help. This is one of those plants to look for in case of apocalypse, food and medicine all wrapped up in one!

Soon to come, articles on Mormon Tea - Nature's Sudafed and cure for gonorrhea, Puncture Vine (Goatheads) and Viagra.

And according to the requirements of the FDA, this is my disclaimer:
For educational purposes only This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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